Monday, October 17, 2016

Anastasiya Kvitko Plastic Surgery 1/10 phot

Anastasiya Kvitko Plastic Surgery (Or Anastasia Kvitko)

Anastasiya Kvitko is one of the latest hottest models to come from Russia. Her curvy figure has attracted a legion of fans and is starting to gather lots of plastic surgery rumors. Her set of huge breasts and jutting butt have sparked rumors of a boob job and butt augmentation. Also known as Anastasia Kvitko, her sensual curves, with her numerous selfies, has made her an instant Instagram star.
Check out her amazing stats: 37.4 inch best, 24.8 inch waist and 41.3 inch hips. Anastasiya Kvitko comes from Kaliningrad, Russia and is now based in Miami.
Photo Credit: Instagram
Photo Credit: Instagram
Her amazing body has gotten the attention of Playboy. Thousands and thousands of fans are following her on social media. As of last count, her number of fans online has exceeded an astounding 2.6 million. And that is without Anastasiya Kvitko acting in any major movie hits or blockbusters.
Photo Credit: Instagram
Photo Credit: Instagram
It is suggested that Anastasiya keeps her butt lifted by doing regular exercises and by going to the gym. However, looking at the obvious butt jutt she has, it is very possible that she has tried to enhance her butt using butt implants. If she were to be a natural beauty, we must say that God is really kind to let her have such perfect curves.
Photo Credit: Instagram
Photo Credit: Instagram
Anastasiya Kvitko said “When I was 17 years old, I was noticed by famous fashion photographer Anvar Norov, and after that I liked being a model, and continued on this path. Plus, photographers themselves wrote to me, offering to photograph me, looking at my outstanding complexion.”
She is ready for more fame on Kim Kardashian’s coattails, she said.
“Yes, of course, since I get a lot of offers from advertisement agencies here in the US, and such great popularity is not far away,” she said.
anastasiya kvitko plastic surgery 1
Photos Credit: Anastasiya Kvitko Instagram
Photos Credit: Anastasiya Kvitko Instagram
Anastasiya Kvitko denies ever having any plastic surgery though she does not oppose plastic surgery. She said “The only thing I put time into is sports, so I spend a lot of time in the  I am not going to change anything, because I am for being natural. But I don’t look at plastic surgery negatively

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Differences Between Single Life And Married Life

There are few things more complicated in life than navigating the rocky waters that is dating and being in a committed relationship. Sure the single life has it’s perks, you get to do whatever you want and don’t have to worry about responsibilities. 
But then of course, marriage has that whole stable and committed partnership between two people going for it. It’s all so confusing that you may need an infographic just to properly describe the many changing feelings that comes with sharing your life with someone.
1) Here are ten images that show the differences between single life and married life. For instance, how couples are portrayed in movies vs real life. In movies, being single is the greatest thing in the world. A nonstop party of dates and physical intimacy.
However, in real life, being single isn’t always that easy, nevermind the fact that married couples are typically pictured being in basically loveless marriages with absolutely no physical contact and we know that, that’s not true.

One of the biggest changes in your life when you marry someone is suddenly becoming responsible for another person. Gone are the days of just going out when you feel like it.

 Instead, everything has to become a careful decision between the two of you. You can’t just pick up and go on a fishing trip 100 miles away without talking about it first.
This can sometimes make you feel like your spouse is the furthest thing away from all other fun things like beer, friends and good times. But those moments will pass.

Have you ever noticed how much people’s appearances change after they’re married? When you’re married, you no longer need to always be on top of your appearance and it sometimes shows.
Here. the difference between men and women’s appearances after they tie the knot are shown and there’s a stark difference between the two.
Being married doesn’t just affect your social life, it also affects your social media too, people a little more hesitant to reach out to you when you’re spoken for.
Here, the difference between a married woman’s Facebook activity vs a single woman’s are shown. The married woman receiving just a few messages and notifications.
Meanwhile, as soon as that same woman announces she’s single, her Facebook blows up with friend requests, messages and notifications
Meanwhile, when it comes to single people holding babies, it’s an entirely different story, most of them having no idea how to hold them.
     It kind of brings to mind that episode of Friends when Rachel (Jennifer Aniston) had to hold Ross’s son Ben for the first time.
That went a bit like this, Rachel holding him like a football. Although, who amongst us single people hasn’t been there?     

Monday, April 11, 2016

10 Celebrities Before And After Drugs


Lohan captured just about everyone’s heart when she first appeared on the silver screen as a little red-haired, rosy-cheeked teen in The Parent Trap. Few could imagine where that would lead her as she moved from success to successes to become the center of attention for the paparazzi and the press, only to self-destruct through infinite lines of cocaine often hovered up from toilet seats in fancy mansions at expensive parties. She’s still looking good some of the time thanks to her string of trips to rehab centers like her 90 day stay a couple of years ago. When interviewed on the Oprah show she admitted that alcohol had served her as the gateway to harder things like cocaine. Back in 2014 she premiered her own documentary series “Lindsay,” where she shows herself trying to start a new life after her sixth stay in rehab. She is even seen with Michael Cormier, a senior counselor at Cliffside Malibu rehabilitation center, who was trying to help her transition back into normal life. Unfortunately she wasn’t able to get through the crowd of paparazzi and missed her AA meeting. She ended up stuck in the hotel room all day.


Here’s a sad one. Amy started out as nice little Jewish girl from London and ended up in an early grave. No, no, no – Amy didn’t want to go to rehab. She paid the price. Amy unfortunately became the latest member of the “27 Club” whose membership is exclusively for those who have died at the ripe age of 27. It represents a group of those individuals who burned with an intense light, exploding long before having the chance to fade from the public’s view. But Amy just became another member of that club as the public sat back approvingly, buying magazines that kept them up-to-date on what was happening to their falling star. Known for her expressive contralto vocals and special mix of various musical genres including soul, rhythm and blues, and jazz, Amy was a big hit in Israel and was the subject of a special exhibition at London’s Jewish Museum entitled Amy Winehouse: A Family Portrait. Maybe she never really had a chance since when told that Amy was bulimic, her mother responded with little concern saying that she would simply grow out of it. Not so it seems. Amy was known to have been close to her family and strongly aware of her Jewish roots and heritage. The exhibit included many photos of Amy’s family life, Friday night dinners, her brother’s Bar Mitzvah and photos of her beloved grandmother Cynthia whose image she had tattooed to her body.


Pete is considered to be a true poet who is a sensitive talent. That apparently does not stop him from shooting up smack. This English musician, songwriter, actor, poet, writer, and artist also has a drug problem, seems to be an occupational hazard. He became well known through the tabloids in 2005 when he was dating model Kate Moss and for his frequently-publicized drug addictions. He is also known as a painter and writer, having recorded his poetry, and exhibited his drawings and photos over the years. He has been arrested repeatedly for his drug abuses, for driving under the influence, for car theft and has pleaded guilty to possession of crack cocaine, heroin, cannabis and ketamine (used for anesthesia). His addictions have sent him to jail and to rehab several times. He has had many run-ins with the law and served jail time for breaking into an apartment and stealing a laptop and guitar. In 2014 Pete was admitted to the Hope Rehab Centre in Thailand. He had previously attended “The Cabin” rehab center also in Thailand, where he was treated by Simon Mott. The Hope Centre uses modern and holistic rehabilitation methods and the Twelve-step program as well as Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, and mindfulness and fitness activities tailored to each patient’s needs. Peter was released from the Centre in January of 2015.


Matthew Perry is probably everybody’s friend. In the TV show “Friends,” drugs were banned and even smoking a cigarette was frowned upon. The rest of the cast should have been more concerned about Perry’s tendency to get blasted on a cocktail of painkillers and vodka. The actor, who holds dual American-Canadian citizenship completed a 28-day rehab program in 1997 for a Vicodin addiction. His weight fluctuated over the next few years dropping to 145 pounds. He again entered rehab in February of 2001 for treatment of an addiction to opioids including vicodin and methadone, amphetamines and alcohol. He checked in to Marina del Rey’s Daniel Freeman Hospital. In May 2013, Perry received a Champion of Recovery award from the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy for turning his Malibu mansion into a sober living home for recovering addicts.
Matthew Perry

Tara Reid
Reid gets to join the list due to her crystal meth addiction. Making films likeSharknado  it’s no wonder she has a need for drugs, sharks falling from the sky, really? The TV’s Saved By The Bell graduate is an American model and actress. She had plastic surgery to even out her breasts and gain a “six pack” but the procedure went wrong living her deformed. She has been said to have been married to several Europeans who all deny it. Her last assignation was with Israeli musician Erez Eisen of the Infected Mushroom duo. She said back in 2008 that her time at Promises Treatment Center “saved her life.”
Tara reid


As the lead singer of Hole and the wife of the late Kurt Cobain, Courtney was pretty much expected to stay high most of the time. Following the death of Cobain, Love has worked in several films and with other rock groups. She has been in both films and TV productions. She appears in the upcoming indie drama film The Long Home directed by and starring James Franco. She has struggled with substance abuse throughout her life. she has been addicted to opiates since early adulthood and occasionally dabbles in cocaine. In the early 90s she became addicted to heroin during her pregnancy which led to the custody of her newborn daughter being placed with her sister. In 1996 she stopped taking heroin for a film she was doing with Milos Forman The People vs. Larry Flynt. After attempting to take her life in 2004 she was placed in a rehab center. In 2005 and 2006 she was placed in lock down rehab for six months due to struggles with prescription drugs and cocaine. She says she has been sober since 2007.

Courtney Love



Kate’s relationship with Pete Doherty probably didn’t help her in this department. This English model still does not look so bad. It’s true that she rose to fame in the 90s as a part of the heroin chic fashion trend and has never weighed all that much. She has been accused of drug use since 2005 which led to her being dropped from fashion campaigns. This was later found to be false and she resumed modeling. The allegations led to a scandal in which various fashion designers took sides. The British police dropped charges against her for cocaine use in June of 2006 due to a lack of evidence.
Kate Moss


Poor Britney can’t seem to escape the scrutiny of the press. No wonder that she may feel the need from time to time for a line or two. She’s been in and out of the hospital for erratic behavior. In February of 2007 Spears spent less than a day in a drug rehabilitation center in Antigua. The following night she shaved her head with clippers at a hair salon in Los Angeles and then over the next few weeks admitted herself into a string of rehab centers. In January of 2008 after refusing to relinquish custody of her sons to former husband Kevin Federline, she was taken into custody by the police and hospitalized at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center under suspicion of substance abuse. This was followed by commitment to the UCLA Medical Center psychiatric ward. She was later released into the custody of her father and seems to be doing fine since then, both acting and performing.



Furlong isn’t known for much except for acting in Terminator and American History X and for having been accused of exposing his six-year-old son to cocaine when the child tested positive for the drugs. He did win Saturn and MTV Movie Awards for his performance as John Conner in Terminator 2: Judgment Day. He has battled alcoholism and drug addiction which put an end to his career and landed him in rehab in October 2000. In December 2006 Furlong said in an interview that between the ages of 22 and 26 he was “on and off” hard drugs. In the same interview he said: “I was a heroin and cocaine addict. It was really scary. I don’t even think about [partying] anymore. It seems lonely now: running and clubbing and doing coke.” His main problem in more recent years has been allegations of domestic violence against girlfriend Monica Keena. To avoid jail time he agreed to go to rehab for 90 days and undergo counseling.
Edward Furlong


Now he admits that he has HIV. The Two and a Half Men star was born Carlos Irwin Estévez 50 years ago but has risen to fame under his stage name Sheen. In 1998 Sheen suffered a stroke after overdosing on cocaine. He was found unconscious in his easide home and just made it to the hospital on time. He then checked into rehab but left hours later only to be force back by the sheriff. He was already on probation for previous rug offenses. After being arrested for assaulting his wife in 2010, he was sentenced to 30 days in a drug rehab center. In October of that year he busted up his Plaza Hotel suite under the influence of alcohol and cocaine. In November of 2015 he announced publically that he had been diagnosed with the HIV virus four years earlier. He takes a cocktail of drugs to contain it.
Charlie Sheen



Mary Kate Olsen is an actress who has starred in many television programs along with her twin sister Ashley.  She was famous from an early age and won the hearts of the nation with her bubbly and infectious personality.  Before she fell into the harmful world of stardom, her older photos show her healthy with glowing skin and a youthful smile.  Sadly however, like many celebrities who enter the scene at an early age, she succumbed to a life of pressure.  It’s reported that her parents were pushy and demanding and being in the limelight brings it’s own pressures too.  These days. Her skin looks aged and makes her look older than she really is, and it looks like she’s had a little surgery too as she looks nothing like her twin sister now.  This is a great shame as it has brought her a lot of bad publicity in recent years.
Mary Kate Olsen


Corey Haim is another star who made it big in his youthful years.  He was born in Canada in 1971 and discovered that he loved acting.  Throughout the 1980’s he was a popular teen heartthrob and he enjoyed a lot of success in various movie roles.  Unfortunately however with fame comes money and greed.  He became associated with all the wrong people and within very little time, he had started to spiral out of control.  The once youthful and good looking young man quickly started to look different and before long, he had fallen out of the limelight.  Tragically the actor was found dead in 2010 at the age of just 38 due to severe episode of pneumonia.  It had been rumored at the time however that it was a drug overdose.  This is certainly a sad ending to a life that once showed so much promise.


Heath Ledger was a well known and loved actor who famously starred in top chick flick 10 Things I Hate About You alongside Julia Stiles and he was also the lead role in A Knight’s Tale.  With his stunning good looks and his Australian charm, he won our hearts.  It’s a shame that we never knew what he hid from the public view though.  With all the pressures of acting and trying to fit in a private life too, he became addicted to prescription drugs and quickly he started to look older than his years.  He was found in 2008 by his housekeeper, lying on his bed and unconscious.  Apparently, he had taken a concoction of prescription drugs and had died from an accidental drug overdose.  The movie The Dark Knight was released posthumously in which Ledger gave a winning performance as The Joker in this Batman movie.
Heath Ledger


Marilyn Monroe was and still is one of the most iconic women of all time.  Her stunning larger figure with her perfect hourglass curves made her a popular role model for both men and women and her infectious style and personality seemed to emanate from her, even in still photographs.  Behind all the fame and fortune however she hid a disturbing personal life, which consisted of mental health issues, failed relationships and drug abuse.  Whilst she maintained her astounding beauty for years, behind the scenes she crumbled.  In 1962, at the age of just 36, Monroe was found by her psychiatrist.  She had died in her bedroom after having apparently committed suicide by taking a lethal dose of drugs.  Even after death, Monroe continued to enjoy fame and success.  
Marilyn Monroe


Bob Marley led the Reggae resolution as a well-known and popular Jamaican singer.  He was born in 1945 and he rose to fame thanks to his creative writing style and his unique reggae vocals.  He was not only a talented musician and songwriter, but he was also passionate about making the world a better place and spreading joy and happiness.  One of the other things that he is especially well known for is for being an advocate of marijuana legalization.  He claimed that when he used the substance, he would feel more creative and relaxed.  Even though many cannabis supporters will claim that cannabis can slow and even prevent cancer, tragically Bob Marley succumbed to cancer at the age of just 36, disproving the theory.  Although Marley looked more ill towards the end of his life, he has left us with many iconic images and songs.
Bob Marley