Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Differences Between Single Life And Married Life

There are few things more complicated in life than navigating the rocky waters that is dating and being in a committed relationship. Sure the single life has it’s perks, you get to do whatever you want and don’t have to worry about responsibilities. 
But then of course, marriage has that whole stable and committed partnership between two people going for it. It’s all so confusing that you may need an infographic just to properly describe the many changing feelings that comes with sharing your life with someone.
1) Here are ten images that show the differences between single life and married life. For instance, how couples are portrayed in movies vs real life. In movies, being single is the greatest thing in the world. A nonstop party of dates and physical intimacy.
However, in real life, being single isn’t always that easy, nevermind the fact that married couples are typically pictured being in basically loveless marriages with absolutely no physical contact and we know that, that’s not true.

One of the biggest changes in your life when you marry someone is suddenly becoming responsible for another person. Gone are the days of just going out when you feel like it.

 Instead, everything has to become a careful decision between the two of you. You can’t just pick up and go on a fishing trip 100 miles away without talking about it first.
This can sometimes make you feel like your spouse is the furthest thing away from all other fun things like beer, friends and good times. But those moments will pass.

Have you ever noticed how much people’s appearances change after they’re married? When you’re married, you no longer need to always be on top of your appearance and it sometimes shows.
Here. the difference between men and women’s appearances after they tie the knot are shown and there’s a stark difference between the two.
Being married doesn’t just affect your social life, it also affects your social media too, people a little more hesitant to reach out to you when you’re spoken for.
Here, the difference between a married woman’s Facebook activity vs a single woman’s are shown. The married woman receiving just a few messages and notifications.
Meanwhile, as soon as that same woman announces she’s single, her Facebook blows up with friend requests, messages and notifications
Meanwhile, when it comes to single people holding babies, it’s an entirely different story, most of them having no idea how to hold them.
     It kind of brings to mind that episode of Friends when Rachel (Jennifer Aniston) had to hold Ross’s son Ben for the first time.
That went a bit like this, Rachel holding him like a football. Although, who amongst us single people hasn’t been there?     

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