Sunday, April 10, 2016


Hickeys are one of those things that you probably have to deal with if you’re in a relationship. Whether you see them as a badge of honor or an embarrassing mark you wish would disappear, once you get one, you’re sort of stuck with it. Here are some things about hickeys you probably didn’t know.

Hickeys are actually just bruises, either purposefully inflicted or not. When you put too much pressure on the skin, the blood vessels beneath, burst. This causes the discoloration that some have associated with a hickey but it’s actually no different than if you bumped into a door.
While there’s very little that you can do to alleviate a hickey, applying ice to the blemish will prevent it from swelling so at least it won’t be as noticeable when you leave the house. However, much like a bruise, you essentially have to just wait it out.
Never fear, however, as there are ways to cover up a hickey in case you want to hide them. Makeup such as concealer is a good way to keep your bruises unseen but you can also use clothing such as scarves or turtlenecks to keep them hidden.

While most hickeys fade away over time, it could become a permanent scar. Severe hickeys have been known to cause scarring that could last long after the bruising has faded.
If you’re prone to hickeys, it could say something about your health as it could mean that you’re experiencing an iron deficiency.
This could mean that you may not be getting enough iron in your diet and you should talk to your doctor about getting your iron levels back up.

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